
Fastest growing Businesses in Nigeria

Nigeria, as one of the largest economies in Africa, has experienced significant growth and development in various sectors. In recent years, several businesses have emerged as leaders in terms of growth and profitability. Here are some of the fastest-growing businesses in Nigeria:


The e-commerce industry in Nigeria has witnessed remarkable growth due to increased internet penetration and the convenience of online shopping. Companies like Jumia, Konga, and PayPorte have experienced substantial growth by providing a platform for consumers to purchase goods and services online.


Nigeria’s financial technology sector has experienced significant growth in recent years. Startups such as Paystack, Flutterwave, and Interswitch have revolutionized digital payments, money transfers, and financial services. These companies have provided innovative solutions that have made financial transactions easier and more accessible for individuals and businesses.

Renewable Energy:

With Nigeria’s vast natural resources, renewable energy has become a promising sector. Companies like Lumos and Arnergy have made significant strides in providing solar power solutions to homes, businesses, and communities with limited access to the national electricity grid. The government’s efforts to diversify the energy sector have also attracted investments in wind, biomass, and hydroelectric power projects.

Agriculture and Agribusiness:

Nigeria’s agricultural sector offers immense opportunities for growth. Startups like Farmcrowdy, Thrive Agric, and Growsel have leveraged technology to connect farmers with investors, providing funding for agricultural projects. These businesses have played a crucial role in boosting food production, creating employment opportunities, and addressing food security challenges in the country.

Logistics and Delivery Services:

The growth of e-commerce has spurred the demand for efficient logistics and delivery services. Companies like GIG Logistics, Kwik Delivery, and have capitalized on this trend by providing reliable and timely delivery services for businesses and individuals. These companies utilize technology and innovative solutions to improve last-mile delivery and optimize supply chain operations.


The healthcare industry in Nigeria has seen the emergence of health technology startups that provide innovative solutions to improve access to quality healthcare. Companies like LifeBank, 54gene, and Wellvis have leveraged technology to address challenges in blood supply, genetic research, telemedicine, and health data management. These businesses have contributed to the development of a more robust and efficient healthcare system.

Real Estate:

Nigeria’s growing population and urbanization have created a demand for affordable housing and real estate investments. Real estate companies such as Landwey, Brains and Hammers, and Mixta Africa have experienced significant growth by providing quality housing solutions, property development, and investment opportunities. These companies have catered to the needs of both individual homebuyers and institutional investors.

Bottom Line…

It is important to note that the business landscape is dynamic, and the fastest-growing businesses can change over time. However, these industries have shown considerable growth potential in recent years, reflecting Nigeria’s evolving economy and entrepreneurial spirit.